Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's Late at Night. Do you Know Where your Emotions are?

So, I'm watching the television again - some insipid nonsense, and I'm not really paying too much attention.  What I'm really doing is wondering about how it is that I experience so many strong emotions while watching these programs.  Often, these are emotions that I don't experience with any frequency in my own life.  A good director takes me through states of pity, fear, compassion, love, hate, and a plethora of others.  Watching some insignificant shadow play, I am likely to be moved to weep or roar with laughter.  I seemingly form bonds of trust , affection, and even love with on-screen characters.  Seeing a celebrity on the street, I have spontaneously reacted as if I had just seen a great friend.  Then I realized it is someone who didn't even know me.  There was no recognition.  There had never been a real connection between us, but during some random program, I felt deeply connected.  

How often was I watching some show with intensity, when suddenly I was pulled back from deep within some television inspired, emotional epiphany?  In an instant, I was thrust back into my life by a phone call or a family member's strident voice.  In an instant I was angry, my warm glow of love disappearing in a flash of bad temper.  My perfect loving soul that was in perfect harmony with some divine selfless character had become once again ugly and pedestrian.  I was once again myself, a selfish child having a tantrum.  Wah!

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